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The proposed Longhedge Solar Farm is located between the villages of Thoroton and Hawksworth in Nottinghamshire.

It is anticipated that the solar farm would be capable of generating around 49.9MW of clean, low cost renewable electricity, enough to power approximately 15,2001 homes.

The site has been chosen as it has good solar irradiation levels, lies outside of any statutory environmental, archaeological and landscape designations and due to its proximity to a viable grid connection.

RES has designed the solar farm so that it will fit sensitively in the surrounding landscape. A number of detailed assessments have been carried out to ensure any impact upon the environment, landscape, heritage and local residents is appropriately assessed and mitigated. These assessments include:

  • Landscape and Visual
  • Ecology
  • Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
  • Flood risk
  • Traffic and Transport
  • Noise
  • Glint and Glare

To find out more about solar and how it works please click here.



1 The homes figure has been calculated by taking the predicted average annual electricity generation of the site and dividing this by the annual average electricity figures from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) showing that the annual UK average domestic household consumption is 3,748 kWh (Dec 2021).