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At a time when energy security is forefront and centre in the public’s consciousness, RES are disappointed with Rushcliffe Borough Council’s decision to refuse the application for the proposed Longhedge Solar Farm.

Located on lands between Thoroton and Hawksworth, the proposed site for this crucial piece of infrastructure was chosen as it has good solar irradiation levels, lies outside of any statutory environmental, archaeological and landscape designations and due to its proximity to a viable grid connection.

Following Rushcliffe Borough Council’s refusal of its application for Longhedge Solar Farm, in September 2023, RES lodged an appeal. More information can be found here.

At the request of the local planning authority, we are undertaking some Trial Trenching works on the site, starting on Monday 15th April and lasting around 3 weeks. This process and the information obtained from it is directed at the discharge of planning conditions, should planning permission be approved, and has not been commissioned for the purposes of the forthcoming Public Inquiry.